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Mách bạn 9+ cách xoá nếp nhăn ấn đường hiệu quả ngay tại nhà

Chuyên gia chia sẻ 9+ cách xoá nếp nhăn ấn đường hiệu quả ngay tại nhà, từ mát-xa đến mặt nạ tự nhiên. Những biện pháp này không chỉ mang lại làn da mềm mại mà còn giúp giảm nếp nhăn, làm cho làn da trông trẻ trung và rạng rỡ hơn. Đừng chần chừ, hãy đăng ký tư vấn để nhận thêm thông tin và hướng dẫn chi tiết, giúp bạn có làn da khỏe mạnh và trẻ trung nhất.

RF Thermage lifting machine – Advantages and effectiveness for facial skin

Youthful, bright and smooth skin is always the desire of many people, especially women. However, with the aging process and environmental impacts, the skin gradually loses elasticity and sags, causing many aesthetic and health problems. To help the skin become youthful and smooth again, many beauty methods have been proposed, of which the RF Thermage […]

3+ differences between Ultherapy and Thermage FLX technology

Modern beauty trends aim to be safe, fast and highly effective. Therefore, invasive cosmetic methods are gradually being replaced by less invasive rejuvenation technologies. For example, methods that apply RF radio waves or ultrasonic waves. Among them, Ultherapy and Thermage FLX are interested and chosen by many beauty enthusiasts. So what are the similarities and […]

Nếp nhăn ấn đường phản ánh điều gì về tương lai?

Nếp nhăn ấn đường phản ánh những nét tính cách đặc trưng và đôi khi được xem là một nét tướng tốt. Tuy nhiên, dưới góc độ thẩm mỹ, việc xuất hiện nếp nhăn ở ấn đường khi còn trẻ cho thấy làn da không đường chăm sóc đúng cách, lão hóa sớm và một số vấn đề về tâm lý. Vậy nên cần thay đổi thói quen sinh hoạt, chú trọng hơn vào việc chăm sóc và bảo vệ da. Trường hợp nếp nhăn sâu có thể cân nhắc đến các liệu pháp trẻ hóa chuyên nghiệp.

Top 10+ best and most effective facial lotions today

Owning rosy white skin is the dream of many women today. However, with the Vietnamese climate, protecting healthy white skin is something that makes us think twice. In particular, there are more and more types of facial lotions on the market for women to choose from. That invisibly makes women wonder which skin lotion is […]

Skin hyperpigmentation after peel: Causes, symptoms and treatment

The mechanism of skin shedding to maturity exists in many organisms and it is not surprising. So what about humans? Maybe you don’t know! Cells on the skin’s surface will die after a certain period of time. Therefore, re-establishing these cells is essential for all activities to occur normally. Skin peeling is a special method […]

What should I do if my skin has abnormal hyperpigmentation?

In fact, with the effects of the surrounding environment, age, and changes in the body, it is difficult for us to preserve the beauty of our skin forever. These factors are completely capable of turning into obstacles that cause facial skin to become hyperpigmented. This is a skin disease that is difficult to treat and […]

What is skin pigmentation disorder? Can it be completely treated?

Have you ever wondered why our skin color is different from those around us? Most people will explain this as related to race, genetics, living environment… In fact, these causes are completely correct, skin color is influenced by countless factors. These factors contribute to determining skin pigmentation on the human body and are likely to […]

[Answer] Which type of collagen beauty drink is currently the best?

Collagen plays an extremely important role in human life and health. With modern research achievements, it has been found that this protein contributes to the structure of the skin’s dermal layer. The presence of collagen helps maintain smooth, radiant, and resilient skin. Supplementing collagen for the body slows down the aging process, improves the function […]


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