You may not know the consequences of rhinoplasty when you get older!

Statistics show that rhinoplasty surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in Asian countries. Typically Korea, China, Thailand and even Vietnam. This comes from the desire to improve the shape of the nose and upgrade the appearance of women. However, forms of surgery, including rhinoplasty, are often quite invasive. That’s why people are extremely […]

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Answer: Is thread rhinoplasty dangerous?

Rhinoplasty with thread is a popular cosmetic method. Recommended for cases of flat noses, uneven nose structures or creating height for the bridge of the nose without surgery. Although it is not an invasive or deeply invasive method, the level of safety when performing rhinoplasty is something we need to be concerned about. So is […]

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Synthesis of the latest nose lift techniques [Updated 2023]

It can be observed that the public’s demand for beauty is steadily increasing, stemming from the remarkable development of the cosmetic industry. Among them, one service that has garnered more attention than others is rhinoplasty. However, this method reveals several drawbacks due to its invasive nature and the potential for adverse reactions. This is also […]

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Nose lift with filler: Procedure, effectiveness, maintenance duration

Nose lift with filler is a method that has gained significant attention among individuals seeking to enhance and reshape their noses in recent times. Unlike traditional surgical approaches, the use of filler injections for nose augmentation presents several advantages and helps mitigate certain unnecessary risks. However, is this method suitable for your specific goals? Refer […]

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Is rhinoplasty a safe procedure? Why?

Recently, the structural rhinoplasty method has attracted considerable attention. This method is known for delivering comprehensive improvements to the nose, yielding impressive results. However, structural rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure involving interventions, so the primary concern revolves around safety issues that may arise in the future. Follow this article to determine whether structural rhinoplasty is […]

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Doctor’s answer: Is nose lift surgery safe?

In reality, a beautiful nose has a significant impact on our appearance. A tall, slender nose with the right angle enhances one’s beauty and highlights impressive facial features. However, due to genetic factors, Asian noses, especially in women, tend to be relatively short, broad, and less defined. That’s why people are showing more interest in […]

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Is it hurt to rhinoplasty? Tips to reduce swelling and pain immediately after surgery

One of the questions many people have before performing rhinoplasty is: Is rhinoplasty painful? Will the effects after the lifting process cause any dangerous complications? Let’s answer with Mega Gangnam’s expert doctor. A slim nose, high and balanced nose bridge is one of the things that everyone wants, especially those who unfortunately have a low […]

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[Beauty Review] How long does Botox for facial slimming last?

Botox injection is a highly popular cosmetic procedure, especially in Western countries. Unlike dermal fillers, which add volume, Botox primarily works by temporarily relaxing and disabling certain muscles beneath the skin. This explains why people often use Botox for facial slimming. However, how long does Botox for facial slimming last? What is its effectiveness, and […]

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At the age of 46, diva Thu Minh has stirred up the online community with her statement on graceful beauty.

Referring to Thu Minh as the trendsetter in the beauty industry in Vietnam is not wrong, as every time she posts a status discussing beauty standards, it creates waves across the online community. During the middle of 2022, for the first time, Thu Minh, a loyal customer of Mega Gangnam, caused a social media storm […]

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