Tiêm filler làm đầy hốc mắt có được không?

Lão hóa, mất nước, thiếu vitamin và một số bệnh lý khác khiến hốc mắt trũng sâu. Cách tốt nhất để cải thiện tình trạng này ngay tức thì chính là tiêm filler làm đầy hốc mắt. Tuy nhiên, vùng da dưới mắt khá mỏng, tương đối nhạy cảm và chứa nhiều mao mạch nên cần thận trọng và lựa chọn địa chỉ thẩm mỹ uy tín chất lượng như Mega Gangnam để đảm bảo an toàn, tiết kiệm chi phí và không gây phản ứng phụ!

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What is the standard for a high-line nose lift? Where should I get it done?

A standard high-line nose lift offers superior advantages compared to many traditional nose shapes. However, there are certainly many people who have questions about the specific techniques involved in high-line nose lifts. This article by Mega Gangnam will help you learn more about this nose lift technique. What is a high-line nose lift? A high-line […]

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What is PCL thread lifting? What are its uses, advantages and disadvantages in practice?

As one of the highly advanced applications in the field of modern aesthetics, do you know what PCL threads are? Let’s explore what this type of thread means in the realm of beauty and what its advantages and disadvantages are. What is PCL Thread? How does PCL Thread work? PCL threads are a widely used […]

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How long after rhinoplasty can you eat beef noodle soup?

“Rhinoplasty is one of the popular cosmetic procedures chosen by many to enhance the nose’s shape and improve facial aesthetics. However, after undergoing rhinoplasty, it’s essential to pay attention to your diet to support the recovery process and protect the surgical results. So, how long after rhinoplasty can you eat beef noodle soup? This is […]

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What should I apply after squeezing a pimple to prevent scarring?

Most people have a habit of picking or squeezing pimples in the hopes of removing the pimple’s core as quickly as possible. In many cases, improper squeezing or inadequate post-squeeze care can lead to skin abrasions, slow wound healing, and result in scar formation. To minimize the spread of acne, promote skin healing and reduce […]

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[Beauty Tips] Why should you avoid squeezing pimples at home?

Acne is a common dermatological issue for most people at various stages of life. This condition arises from various causes, including both internal and external factors. While acne itself is not dangerous, allowing it to become inflamed or infected can lead to various problems. This article will provide detailed explanations of why should you avoid […]

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How Many CCs of Filler Do I Need for a Cheek Injection?

Cheek Filler Injection Method is becoming increasingly popular due to its fast and immediate results, as well as the natural and fullness it imparts to the cheeks. However, before choosing to have cheek filler injections, it’s essential to research this method in detail to determine if it’s suitable for your specific condition. Injecting too much […]

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Does cheek filler injections affect anything?

When entering the aging process, the skin begins to show the most prominent signs of sagging, especially in the cheek area. This is due to the depletion of collagen and elastin fibers, the gradual breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layer, and the collapse of the underlying support system. Stemming from the desire to restore the […]

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How long does the Baby Face injection last? Do I need to get it done again?

The modern beauty trends have been continuously evolving in recent years. While in the past, people often opted for sophisticated and elegant aesthetic styles, nowadays, there is a growing preference for natural and youthful approaches to aesthetics. Among these trends, the Baby Face filler injection has gained popularity. So how long does the Baby Face […]

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