5 skin rejuvenation massage exercises to help women shine

Possessing bright, healthy and radiant skin in a stable state is the desire of every woman. However, with negative influences from the living environment, hormones and diseases inside the body, not everyone has healthy and beautiful skin. This becomes even worse after Tet, when we have to eat too much greasy food, alcoholic drinks… Massage is one of the ways that women tell each other to rejuvenate facial skin. effective. Moreover, this method is very easy to do, suitable for many people, and can be done anywhere, even at work. Below are 5 skin rejuvenating massage exercises that women should practice every day!

5 effective skin rejuvenation massage exercises

Cheek massage method

The skin in the cheek area is susceptible to sagging due to its loose structure, weak connective tissue and is greatly affected by excess fat on the face. Cheek massage is a basic exercise that helps reduce wrinkles, lift sagging muscles and limit fat and water retention. This method also helps increase blood circulation, metabolism and helps skin become brighter, limiting dark circles. The way to massage your cheeks is very simple: You just need to clench your hands to form a fist. Then place it below the cheekbones to support the muscles, maintain this position for 5 seconds, continue to do this many times to improve the skin better.

Simple massage in the forehead area

Wrinkles also often appear in the forehead area due to our expressions and facial muscle activity. These wrinkles greatly affect our appearance, making us look older than our age. This condition can be improved by massaging regularly every day to tighten the skin and lift sagging muscles as follows: Hold your hands together to form a fist, use your fingertips to continuously massage from the forehead to the temple area. Yang and neck. Then repeat the same movement several times a day.

Massage the eye area

The condition of the skin around the eyes is relatively thin and weak because it contains no stem cells, very few connective cells and a loose structure. In some people, the skin around the eyes is very prone to acne, with tiny particles and clear holes, dark circles and capillaries underneath. Wrinkles are also easy to form if you don’t get enough sleep and don’t have a proper care regimen. To improve this condition, you can consider applying massage to the eye area and surrounding areas. How to do it as follows: Make a fist and move slightly below the eyebrow, sliding along the arc to the corner of the eye.

Exercises for the chin and jaw area

The effects of aging cause facial skin to sag faster. In addition, other factors such as nutrition, original skin condition and some diseases can cause the chin and cheekbones to accumulate excess fat, making the skin loose and wrinkled. In addition to the above exercises, you should also apply a rejuvenating massage on the chin and surrounding areas as follows: Make a fist, use your fingertips to pull back the skin of the chin area along the jawbone and up. Sun. Continuously repeat this movement about 7-8 times for each beat.

After fully performing the above exercises, you can finish the facial massage process by regulating circulation with a simple operation. Place your hands on your forehead, gently move down to your temples, chin and neck, then repeat a few more times. The massage process to stimulate rejuvenation and comprehensive collagen growth requires a full combination of the methods mentioned above.

Evaluate the effectiveness of facial skin rejuvenation exercises

Đánh giá hiệu quả thực tế của các bài tập massage trẻ hóa da vùng mặt

Facial massage exercises are said to be effective in rejuvenating the skin. However, to achieve the best ability to improve skin, performing massage operations must be combined with a healthy diet, rest, and careful skin care.

Currently, there is no official specific scientific research that accurately evaluates the improvement effectiveness of facial massage exercises. However, some small studies have shown that facial massage can help increase blood circulation and improve skin elasticity. Thanks to this, signs of aging such as wrinkles, loose skin, and sagging are significantly reduced.

However, it is almost impossible for facial massage exercises to achieve the desired effect. Because external manipulations, no matter what, only affect the structure and muscle tissue system at a fairly low rate. Therefore, there are cases where after stopping massage for a while, the skin returns to its original state. In addition, there are many factors that affect skin recovery in this way such as age, current skin condition, daily skin care…

Therefore, we urgently need the support of more intensive skin rejuvenation measures. Especially applying therapies with high-tech intervention. That brings many benefits such as quick, long-lasting results, safety and suitable for even deeply aging skin.

High-tech rejuvenation treatments are rated the best

The application of intensive facial rejuvenation technology has strong anti-aging effects that last up to decades. Most of these methods will bring immediate skin beautifying results. Thanks to that, the internal structure as well as the properties of the skin on the surface change in a positive direction. Some of the most prominent methods today include:

Mega Fiber – The ultimate skin rejuvenation therapy

Mega Fiber is an intensive facial rejuvenation method that applies the most modern technology including cloned autologous collagen implantation and the use of microfibers. In addition, before entering the skin treatment and recovery process. An analysis, processing, and simulation process will be performed by artificial intelligence A.I Perfect Face. From there, a unique beauty is programmed, allowing customers to preview the results of skin rejuvenation.

The skin rejuvenation process using Mega Fiber includes the following steps: First, the doctor will take a sample of skin cells from a healthy area of ​​the body. Then process the cells to create autologous collagen that is absolutely safe. Next, the doctor will implant these cells into the lower layer of the skin using a special technology to stimulate autologous collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Depending on the level of skin aging and the age of the practitioner, in some cases, it is necessary to adjust the structure and reshape the epithelium through high-quality microfibers (containing collagen).

Mega Fiber technology with a great combination of top-notch therapies is licensed and recognized by medical organizations around the world. This modern skin rejuvenation method can help women under 50 and under 60 regain youthful, healthy, shiny and elastic skin like when they were young. The effect after completing the full course of treatment is almost 100% consistent with what has been simulated by A.I. It can be seen that this is a breakthrough that no other aesthetic clinic in Vietnam has been able to perform as well as at Mega Gangnam.

Thermage FLX anti-aging technology

Thermage FLX anti-aging technology is a skin rejuvenation solution that uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production and improve elasticity. The operation of ultrasound waves has been proven to be very effective for subjects with wrinkled, sagging, and degraded skin. Accordingly, during operation, ultrasound wavelengths are transmitted through skin layers from superficial to deep. From there, transmitting heat, stimulates the body’s natural collagen production. Similar to Mega Fiber, this is also a non-invasive, highly effective, and most popular rejuvenation method on the market.

Compared to Mega Fiber, Thermage FLX does not use collagen and collagen microfibers to reduce wrinkles, but instead uses the action of ultrasound waves. This means there is no interference from outside cells or threads entering the body. Therefore, the safety and feasibility of this method is higher. However, this is also the limitation of the Thermage FLX method. Because it only affects the skin layers to a certain extent and maintains lower effectiveness than Mega Fiber.

In general, for aging skin levels 2 and 3 with obvious signs such as wrinkles, deep grooves, loose skin, and lack of elasticity. Skin rejuvenation massage is only considered a temporary solution. In many cases, this method even has the effect of making the skin more wrinkled and sagging.

Therefore, you should consult with skin experts in the field to decide on a safe and appropriate rejuvenation therapy. Both Mega Fiber and Thermage FLX are outstanding technologies, safe and quickly effective. You should consider 1 of 2 to improve skin that is deteriorating day by day. If you have any questions, please contact Mega Gangnam immediately via Hotline: 093.770.6666 for advice and support from Korea’s leading medical team!

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