Dangers of beauty whitening creams for treating pigmentation

Pigmentation is a common skin issue for many individuals, and due to its prevalence, people often tend to opt for self-treatment at home, without following a doctor’s guidance. Various types of topical creams for pigmentation treatment are so widespread that they can be found in any store or social media platform in Vietnam. Ginseng pigmentation cream is also among the commonly used pharmaceutical products. Contrary to the embellished advertisements, the reality indicates that using this type of cream carries many risks for facial skin. Below are some crucial pieces of evidence to help you choose an appropriate treatment method

Sản phẩm kem sâm trị nám xuất hiện ngày càng nhiều trên thị trường có tốt không?

Sản phẩm kem sâm trị nám xuất hiện ngày càng nhiều trên thị trường có tốt không?

What is ginseng pigmentation cream?

Pigmentation creams are a type of therapeutic pharmaceutical aimed at preventing and inhibiting the abnormal transformation of pigments on the skin’s surface. These products can be prescribed or over-the-counter, but they must meet requirements for quality, efficacy, and be licensed by the Ministry of Health. The ingredient list of these creams must ensure beneficial and skin-safe active ingredients.

However, the market is flooded with ginseng pigmentation creams with unclear origins, brands, or highly ambiguous information. Unlike certified categories of drugs and treatment creams, these ginseng creams are confirmed to contain unusual active ingredients that may be harmful to the skin, to some extent.

According to experts, these ginseng creams are considered pseudo-pharmaceuticals. In other words, in the initial period of use, some ingredients in these creams may have the ability to whiten, blur pigmentation, and significantly brighten the skin tone. Even the effectiveness can be noticeable after about a week of use. However, from subsequent stages, the skin becomes thin, sensitive, prone to sunburn, and visibly darkens.

As a result, untreated pigmentation becomes prominent again. Treating pigmentation in this way not only fails to bring results but also worsens the facial skin condition, visibly deteriorating it. Dermatologists therefore advise users against using products with unclear origins and poor quality due to the high risk of contamination.

What are the ingredients in ginseng pigmentation cream?

Ingredients and Functions of Whitening Creams for Pigmentation Treatment: Are They as Rumored?

Ingredients and Functions of Whitening Creams for Pigmentation Treatment: Are They as Rumored?

With the immediate effects of various unverified origin ginseng pigmentation creams on the market, it can be seen that the ingredient list of these products is indeed problematic. According to experts, pigmentation creams and skin-lightening creams that are not recognized or licensed typically share a common characteristic: they contain a mixture of many abrasive ingredients that make the skin stand out unnaturally. Alongside active ingredients such as aspirin, cortibion, or becozyme, one crucial component that plays a significant role in the effectiveness of these external skin creams is corticosteroid.

Corticosteroid, as a component, is not widely used in the treatment of certain medical dermatological conditions. Additionally, due to its sensitive nature, this type of medication must be prescribed. When not used correctly, corticosteroid group compounds can reduce the immune system’s response, and an excessive amount or low-quality components can lead to irreparable damage. Moreover, these active ingredients should only be properly formulated by scientific research institutions with stringent requirements before mass production. Clearly, ginseng pigmentation creams and similar products cannot meet the standard criteria for pharmaceuticals. Therefore, users must exercise caution when dealing with such products.

Signs of Skin Poisoning

Using ginseng pigmentation cream or other unverified origin creams can lead to skin poisoning. This condition becomes more severe when the symptoms on the face become extremely noticeable. As soon as the skin shows the following signs after using pigmentation creams, there is a high likelihood that the facial skin has been poisoned, and significant damage has occurred, necessitating immediate medical attention.

Skin Poisoning Caused by Low-Quality Whitening Creams Containing Corticosteroids

Skin Poisoning Caused by Low-Quality Whitening Creams Containing Corticosteroids

  • The first and mild signs indicating that the facial skin is facing a serious problem are allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can manifest in various ways, such as redness, tightness, peeling, and swelling. These signs indicate a significant weakening of the skin’s immunity. This condition becomes common after using low-quality external skin creams for at least one month. Over time, the skin becomes thinner, and blood vessels become extremely visible.
  • The next signs confirm that the facial skin is dealing with a downgrading issue, irritation, namely the appearance of many tiny pimples, water pimples, dark pimples, infection, and a tendency to grow more each day. Pimples often appear due to hormones, dirt, impurities, but if toxins penetrate deep into the body, it is also a high-risk factor. Early control of this situation on the face is necessary to avoid more dangerous complications.
  • Return and intensification of pigmentation: Treating pigmentation with ginseng cream is not the optimal solution. In fact, the ingredients in this type of cream only provide the function of whitening the skin, making pigmentation less visible. This not only does not achieve long-term effectiveness but also does not eliminate pigmentation at its root. In fact, some improperly combined active ingredients can make pigmentation more deeply entrenched and spread.
  • Contracting some skin diseases: Intoxication weakens immunity, making the skin more susceptible to sunburn and more severely affected by environmental issues from outside to inside the body. Therefore, the results show that those who have used low-quality cosmetics are more at risk of inflammation and infection than other subjects. Tiny cystic acne often comes with signs of allergic inflammation on the face, so the consequences later become more severe.

Using pigmentation creams damages the skin deeply with chemical ingredients of unknown origin. The level of danger also increases the longer the use of the cream. Experts warn against using unusual types of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, as toxins seeping deep into the body may cause liver and kidney failure and skin cancer.

How to handle the aftermath of using low-quality pigmentation creams?

To remedy the consequences of using various creams of unknown origin, including some ginseng pigmentation creams, the first thing to do is immediately stop using the product. Then, seek medical attention at a dermatological clinic or hospital to have the skin examined and assessed. At this point, doctors will diagnose the actual condition of the skin and provide suitable treatment protocols.

Proper Skin Care for Allergic Reactions to Whitening Creams

Proper Skin Care for Allergic Reactions to Whitening Creams

During the initial period after discontinuing the use of these products, the skin may exhibit some unforeseen reactions, and this is something that has been predicted. Therefore, you should not return to using the cream as advertised by some people. Follow the doctor’s instructions to ensure the best treatment results while maintaining a comfortable mindset.

Here are some notes to adhere to for stable skin conditions and better treatment acceptance:

  • Pay attention to cleanliness: Regardless of the skin issues, maintaining hygiene is crucial to prevent infection and damage to the pores and hair follicles. Unresponsive skin may allow bacteria to infiltrate more quickly, causing more pimples and making it challenging for doctors to treat.
  • Facial care is crucial: At this time, skincare is essential as the toxicity may leave the skin deficient in nutrients, and the immune system may be significantly weakened. Therefore, providing nutrients to the skin is essential. Seek advice from specialized doctors on how to use skincare products, their ingredients, the timing of use, and how to combine them when simultaneous use with required medications.
  • Protect your skin: Shield your skin carefully to prevent adverse effects from the environment, especially sunlight. Use a mild, effective sunscreen suitable for the damaged skin. Additionally, using designated functional supplements can significantly enhance skin immunity. Protective tools such as hats, sunglasses, and clothing with UV-resistant functions are also encouraged.

Furthermore, you can explore the highly effective Mega Fiber White pigmentation treatment at Mega Gangnam. In contrast to conventional pigmentation treatments effective only for mild and simple dark spots, Mega Fiber White is an excellent solution for long-standing and severe pigmentation. Especially for cases of pigmentation caused by the use of mixed creams or intoxication, a complete recovery can be achieved. We have prepared a detailed article on the Mega Fiber White pigmentation treatment, so you can learn more here: Mega Fiber White – A Breakthrough to Effectively Remove Pigmentation.

Customers Using Mega Fiber White Technology for Skin Whitening

Customers Using Mega Fiber White Technology for Skin Whitening

Here is our article on common pigmentation creams on the market today. It is crucial to be extremely cautious when using pigmentation skincare products. The best approach is to implement advanced technology treatments with long-lasting pigmentation resistance and immunity, such as Mega Fiber White, with the support of experts at Mega Gangnam. If you have any further questions about facial pigmentation treatment services, please contact us via the hotline: 093.770.6666 for advice and assistance from a team of leading doctors from Vietnam and South Korea.
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